WOW... Panicking, so I'm staying focused by writing... I'm out of iron tablets that my GP gave me for the past week, which were ferrous fumarate and are easier to absorb, so I took my ferrous sulfate which is all I have... I couldn't find them for a while either :O
Here's the lowdown... We were doing the usual wind down before bed, watch a show or 2 etc., I noticed my back and the back of my head were getting that numbness again, and when I stand up i'd get a teeny bit dizzy, and my head has been aching for a few days now but I figured it's the PMS rearing it's ugly head again...I feel whatever blood I do have is centering itself in my lower abdomen as it usually does around this time... it's almost as if my blood volume is low, or rather I KNOW it is because I lie down and get pressure owies (for lack of a better term) from my matress and they're not fun. As I lie down for bed and try to relax I got a little breathless, so I did my breathing techniques, and then the wave hit! The faintness while lying down, coldness in the extremeties, dizziness low blood pressure... I HAVE to get this iron thing under control!
And, of course, it ALWAYS, ALWAYS happens on a weekend!! It's not like the US where you can just hop in the car to the corner 24 hour Walgreen's or CVS and get what you need, I live in a small village... there are no 24 hour anythings.... except internet :D
So, I hop onto the interwebz to Detox Your world to find the Angstrom Ionic Iron, but they're not back in the office to resume business till the 4th!! [insert nail-biting desperation here!] I will still purchase this... I mean it... Really, Angstrom Iron, Water of Life and the Angstrom Silver is what it's all about! Anyway, instead I went to Amazon and purchased Vitabiotics Feroglobin-B12 Iron Supplement Liquid
I've heard good things about liquid iron supplements so hopefully this will help with adding to my stores and absorbability... I've been doing the whole Spirulina thing but I must not be digesting these things properly or something... or it could be the whole falling off the wagon during the xmas dinner thing [yeah, duh ] ... I ate bad chocolate, bread and had some Bailey's.... I know, but it was real BAILEY'S! Never again.
Now, needless to say, I am BACK on the wagon... I WILL TO STAY RAW AND BE HEALTHY AGAIN!!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Minerals and Your Needs
-Boron works well in conjunction with calcium for increased bone density and the prevention of osteoporosis. It assists us in retaining magnesium in the body, and it helps in the production of estrogen. It also strengthens the body's immune system and acts as an anti-inflammatory. Research indicates that boron causes blood levels of calcium, magnesium, and estrogen to rise in post-menopausal women.
Signs of a boron deficiency:
Arthritis, brittle bones, carpal tunnel syndrome, degenerative joint disease, hormonal imbalance, loss of libido, memory loss, muscle pain, osteoporosis, receding gums, weak cartilage.
-Calcium relaxes muscles and the digestive system, builds bone, neutralizes acidity, exports toxins out of the cell and blood stream. Calcium works synergistically with magnesium. It should be taken in a ratio of 2 parts magnesium to 1 part calcium.
Signs of a calcium deficiency:
Acne, arthritis, acidosis, A.D.D., asthma, bell's palsy, cancer, carpal tunnel syndrome, cataracts, cavities, chronic fatigue syndrome, common cold, cramps, enlarged heart, fibromyalgia, gallstones, high cholesterol.
-Chromium is closely associated with the pancreas, and therefore helps to alleviate symptoms of a hypoglycemic and/or diabetic condition by balancing the blood sugar. Chromium helps us to burn fat, build muscle mass, and properly metabolize calories. Chromium is zapped out of our bodies in our youth as a result of eating starchy demineralized foods and refined sugar. Most chromium deficiencies are chronic. It is the second most prevalent mineral deficiency in America after magnesium.
Signs of a chromium deficiency:
Anxiety, Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.), aortic cholesterol plaque, arteriosclerosis, bi-polar disease, coronary blood vessel disease, depression, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, hyperinsulinism, hypoglycemia, hyperactivity, impaired growth, infertility/decreased sperm count, moodiness, obesity, pre-diabetes, peripheral neuropathy.
-Cobalt Cobalt helps to relieve anemia, increases the production of red blood cells,
and works in tandem with sulfur to repair the myelin sheath. It also helps the body produce and synthesize glucose in the blood.
Signs of a cobalt deficiency:
Digestive disorders, fatigue, myelin sheath damage, nerve damage, pernicious anemia, poor circulation, slow or retarded growth rate.
-Copper is a dewormer and destroyer of macro-parasites. Copper cleanses the lymphatic
system, assists with stimulating peristalsis, and strengthens the immune
system. Copper is usually found bound up in the vitamin C complex in plants. Food grown agriculturally in the western world today is deficient in copper. Copper is a very strong mineral and doses should be kept at 1 dropper (ml). Copper is antagonistic to zinc and molybdenum and should be done separately from them (preferably on the other side of the day).
Signs of deficiency:
Allergies, anemia, aneurysm, arthritis, dry brittle hair, edema, gulf war syndrome, hernias, high blood cholesterol, hyper- and hypo-thyroid, hair loss, heart disease, kawasaki disease, liver cirrhosis, osteoporosis, oppressed breathing, parasites, parkinson's disease, reduced glucose tolerance, ruptured disc, skin eruptions or sores, spleen insufficiency,varicose veins, weak immune system, white or gray hair, wrinkled skin, worms.
-Germanium Protects the nucleus of the cell from viral and cancer damage. Protects the
valves that separate the five sections of the gasto-intestinal tract. Germanium is a rare trace mineral found primarily in mushrooms.
Signs of deficiency:
Asthma, cancer, cardiac insufficiency, DNA damage, gastro-intestinal disorders, hypertension, hepatic cirrhosis, leukemia, neuralgia, nephritis, neurotic disorders, softening of brain tissue, viral infections.
-Gold is a mystical platinum-group mineral. It has the highest frequency of the platinum-group elements. Researchers are just beginning to understand the role of angstrom-sized gold in nutrition. It seems to have a wide-range of properties, including: calming the nervous system, increasing lucid dreaming, balancing the endocrine and glandular system, protecting the DNA from free radicals, cancer, and viral damage, increasing the strength of the immune system, and improving intelligence.
Signs of a gold deficiency:
Arthritis, brain dysfunction, chills, cancer, circulatory disorders, depression, digestive disorders, drug/alcohol addiction, gland dysfunction, heat flashes, insomnia, joint inflammation, night sweats, obesity, seasonal
affective disorder (SAD).
-Indium is the most powerful of all trace minerals. Element #49 on the Periodic Table, it is midpoint between alkaline and acid metals, making it the most unique of all minerals. Research indicates that Indium helps to alleviate skin outbreaks, hormonal insufficiencies, endrocrine (glandular) system imbalances, empowers the platinum group elements (platinum, gold, silver, etc.) to protect and enhance the DNA. Indium works like creatine and stimulates lean muscle mass. It has been shown in studies with mice that indium greatly increases one's life-span, and overall mineralization. The mice that were given indium were 3-5 times more mineralized, and lived three times longer than the control group both groups were fed the same diet. Indium is not found in food in the United States.
Signs of an indium deficiency: Acne and hormonal imbalances.
-Iodine is used by the thyroid to form thyroid hormone, which helps regulate the metabolism and the energy level of the body. It has the highest frequency of all of nature's essential minerals.
Signs of an iodine deficiency:
Cretinism, depression, frustration, goiter, hormonal imbalance, hyper- and hypo-thyroidism, lethargy, miscarriages, scaly or dry skin, sterility or infertility.
-Iron is needed by red blood cells to pick up oxygen in the lungs and carry it into the tissues. Iron is vital in helping the blood eliminate potentially toxic substances or larger sized iron particles in the blood and tissues. Excellent to use during menstruation or other times of heavy blood loss.
Signs of an iron deficiency:
Anemia, anorexia, brittle nails, constipation, dizziness, depression, dysphasia, fatigue/lack of stamina, fragile bones, growth retardation, hair loss, headaches, pica, unnaturally pale skin.
-Magnesium Relaxes muscles, builds bone, causes strong peristalsis, increases flexibility, increases alkalinity. Found at the center of the chlorophyll molecule, magnesium is the most deficient mineral in the cooked civilization diet. Magnesium, as a primary alkaline mineral, opens up over 300 different elimination pathways. Magnesium can be biologically transmutated into calcium.
Signs of deficiency:
Asthma, anorexia, calcification of organs, tissue, and small arteries, constipation, convulsions, cramps, depression, ECG changes, growth failure, headaches, hyperacidity, kidney stones, migraines, muscular weakness, muscle tremors, muscle tics, myocardial infarction, neuromuscular problems, osteoporosis, PMS, vertigo, wrinkles.
-Manganese is an adrenal mineral, a brain mineral, and an oxygenator like iron. It aids memory and is needed to form hormones. Manganese works with selenium to rid the body of harmful fats and cholesterol.
Signs of a manganese deficiency:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, deafness, depression, gout, hearing problems, infertility, lack of concentration, loss of libido in both sexes, memory loss/mental confusion, miscarriages or stillbirths, multiple sclerosis, nerve disorders, PMS, poor muscle coordination, stunted growth, tinnitus, stiff tendons, stuttering, tremors.
-Mineral of Life
Mineral of Life acts like an angstrom-sized sea salt, and helps the body produce enzymes. Mineral of Life is a blend of about 84 ancient sea bed minerals broken down into the angstrom size. Mineral of Life is not a blend of angstrom minerals (angstrom mineral blends should be left up to the creators of these minerals). If one haphazardly combines some of the angstrom minerals with each other in a bottle, they may come together forming bigger mineral particles and thus they become unusable - the clear minerals may go cloudy when combined. This is particularly true of silver when mixed with other angstrom minerals.
Mineral of Life is powerful and gives one a boost in the morning. To date, not much research has been done on it.
-Molybdenum helps prevent premature aging, mobilizes iron from the liver reserves as needed, and aids in detoxifying the body. Molybdenum and zinc should be taken at the opposite end of the day from copper and sulfur.
Signs of a molybdenum deficiency:
Acne, AIDS, allergies, anemia, anthrax, asthma, athlete's foot, bell's palsy, bladder infection, cancer, candidiasis, canker sores, cavities, contrail/chemtrail exposure, colds/flu, depression, diabetes, e.coli, eczema, epstein barr, gout, gulf war syndrome, hepatitis C, herpes simplex, impotency, insomnia, liver damage, lupus, lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, obesity, parasites, prostate infection, ringworm.
-Potassium is needed for the heart and the nerves, and is excellent for those with a history of a heart condition. It neutralizes muscle acids, and promotes quicker healing of cuts and wounds.
Signs of a potassium deficiency:
Bad circulation, bluish tint to skin, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, earaches, edema, headaches, heart palpitations, hypertension, insomnia, intestinal pain, muscle weakness, oppressive breathing, pain in the eyes, prolapsed uterus, swollen glands, tissue anemia, water retention.
-Platinum is obviously one of the rare and mystical platinum-group elements that protect and energize the DNA. Platinum helps alertness and should be taken opposite gold; platinum in the morning as an energizer, and gold in the evening as a relaxant.
Signs of a platinum deficiency:
Back pain, cancer, chronic fatigue, gland dysfunction, headaches, insomnia, nerve damage, neuralgia, PMS, poor concentration.
-Selenium is a powerful antioxidant. Research shows that it inhibits cancer rates by up to 42%, making it the most promising anti-cancer mineral (substance) yet discovered. Selenium protects the cell from cancer and viral damage. All food in the US has been deficient in selenium since the 1950s.
Signs of deficiency:
The entire US population is deficient in selenium. Some symptoms include age/liver spots, alzheimer's, anemia, cancer, cardiomyopathy, cirrhosis of the liver, cystic fibrosis, DNA damage, fatigue, fibromyalgia, heart disease, heart palpitations, AIDS, hot flashes, immune deficiencies, infertility, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, muscular weakness, pancreatic atrophy, parkinson's disease, premature aging, scoliosis, sickle cell anemia,
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), viral infections.
-Silver Destroys every known virus on contact. Destroys harmful fungus and bacteria
while keeping healthy tissue and good bacteria intact. Protects the nervous system from viruses and bacteria. Much has been written, discovered, and experienced about colloidal silver being the world's most powerful antibiotic. Angstrom silver is a million times smaller than colloidal silver and thus is more effective without side
effects (colloidal silver can get gummed up in the tissues and skin).
Signs of a silver deficiency:
Anthrax, athlete's foot, boils, candida, cerebro-spinal meningitis, colitis, cystitis, dermatitis, diphtheria, diplococcus, dysentry, e.coli, gonorrhea, impetigo, infection, influenza, intestinal trouble, pneumococci, ringworm, shingles, staphylococci, tuberculosis, warts, whooping cough.
-Sulfur is the number one beauty mineral. It is the number one mineral in the skin, hair, nails, liver, and pancreas. Sulfur potentiates all other minerals allowing them to be absorbed and utilized more efficiently. Sulfur creates permeability. It works synergistically with vitamin C to create the super-protein collagen. Sulfur helps alleviate wrinkles, and skin damage, including scarring. Sulfur helps repair injured joints, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue. Sulfur helps build sulfur-bearing amino acids which detoxify the liver, nourish the hair and skin, and build flexible muscle. Angstrom-sized sulfur is as or more biologically available than MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane). Sulfur is found in rainwater and in plants dependent on rainwater for survival. Many foods are grown agriculturally and in greenhouses and thus are deficient in sulfur.
Signs of deficiency:
Arthritis, asthma, acne, back pain, brittle hair, circulatory problems, connective tissue damage, constipation, dry skin, free radical damage, inflammation, infection, insulin/blood sugar challenges, leathery organs/tissue/skin, liver stagnation, liver disease, migraines, muscle pain, nerve disorders, poor skin quality, protein deficiency, scars, skin disorders, stress, urinary tract disorders, various muscle/skeletal disorders, weak nails, wrinkles.
-Vanadium works in conjunction with chromium, balances blood sugar, and mimics insulin.
Signs of a vanadium deficiency:
Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, hyperinsulinism, hypoglycemia, infertility, metabolic dysfunction, obesity, pancreatic dysfunction.
-Zinc eliminates body odor, helps protects the teeth, helps to eliminate bad breath, restores enzyme function of the immune system and skin, strongly fights viruses, protects the nervous system, and much more. Zinc is one of the most important trace minerals, perhaps second only to indium. All food in the US has been deficient in zinc since the 1950s. Zinc is antagonistic to copper and should done separately from copper (preferably on the other side of the day).
Signs of deficiency:
Angina, alzheimer's, anemia, anthrax, alcoholism, acne, anorexia &bulimia, bad breath, body odor, birth defects, cavities, chron's disease, chronic viral infections, depression, diabetes, down's syndrome, eye diseases, free radical damage, herpes, hypertension, hair loss, infertility, infection, loss of libido, loss of smell and taste, miscarriages, nerve damage, obesity, PMS, poor skin (acne), prostate cancer, still births, thyroid disorders, urinary tract infections, weak immune system.
Signs of a boron deficiency:
Arthritis, brittle bones, carpal tunnel syndrome, degenerative joint disease, hormonal imbalance, loss of libido, memory loss, muscle pain, osteoporosis, receding gums, weak cartilage.
-Calcium relaxes muscles and the digestive system, builds bone, neutralizes acidity, exports toxins out of the cell and blood stream. Calcium works synergistically with magnesium. It should be taken in a ratio of 2 parts magnesium to 1 part calcium.
Signs of a calcium deficiency:
Acne, arthritis, acidosis, A.D.D., asthma, bell's palsy, cancer, carpal tunnel syndrome, cataracts, cavities, chronic fatigue syndrome, common cold, cramps, enlarged heart, fibromyalgia, gallstones, high cholesterol.
-Chromium is closely associated with the pancreas, and therefore helps to alleviate symptoms of a hypoglycemic and/or diabetic condition by balancing the blood sugar. Chromium helps us to burn fat, build muscle mass, and properly metabolize calories. Chromium is zapped out of our bodies in our youth as a result of eating starchy demineralized foods and refined sugar. Most chromium deficiencies are chronic. It is the second most prevalent mineral deficiency in America after magnesium.
Signs of a chromium deficiency:
Anxiety, Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.), aortic cholesterol plaque, arteriosclerosis, bi-polar disease, coronary blood vessel disease, depression, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, hyperinsulinism, hypoglycemia, hyperactivity, impaired growth, infertility/decreased sperm count, moodiness, obesity, pre-diabetes, peripheral neuropathy.
-Cobalt Cobalt helps to relieve anemia, increases the production of red blood cells,
and works in tandem with sulfur to repair the myelin sheath. It also helps the body produce and synthesize glucose in the blood.
Signs of a cobalt deficiency:
Digestive disorders, fatigue, myelin sheath damage, nerve damage, pernicious anemia, poor circulation, slow or retarded growth rate.
-Copper is a dewormer and destroyer of macro-parasites. Copper cleanses the lymphatic
system, assists with stimulating peristalsis, and strengthens the immune
system. Copper is usually found bound up in the vitamin C complex in plants. Food grown agriculturally in the western world today is deficient in copper. Copper is a very strong mineral and doses should be kept at 1 dropper (ml). Copper is antagonistic to zinc and molybdenum and should be done separately from them (preferably on the other side of the day).
Signs of deficiency:
Allergies, anemia, aneurysm, arthritis, dry brittle hair, edema, gulf war syndrome, hernias, high blood cholesterol, hyper- and hypo-thyroid, hair loss, heart disease, kawasaki disease, liver cirrhosis, osteoporosis, oppressed breathing, parasites, parkinson's disease, reduced glucose tolerance, ruptured disc, skin eruptions or sores, spleen insufficiency,varicose veins, weak immune system, white or gray hair, wrinkled skin, worms.
-Germanium Protects the nucleus of the cell from viral and cancer damage. Protects the
valves that separate the five sections of the gasto-intestinal tract. Germanium is a rare trace mineral found primarily in mushrooms.
Signs of deficiency:
Asthma, cancer, cardiac insufficiency, DNA damage, gastro-intestinal disorders, hypertension, hepatic cirrhosis, leukemia, neuralgia, nephritis, neurotic disorders, softening of brain tissue, viral infections.
-Gold is a mystical platinum-group mineral. It has the highest frequency of the platinum-group elements. Researchers are just beginning to understand the role of angstrom-sized gold in nutrition. It seems to have a wide-range of properties, including: calming the nervous system, increasing lucid dreaming, balancing the endocrine and glandular system, protecting the DNA from free radicals, cancer, and viral damage, increasing the strength of the immune system, and improving intelligence.
Signs of a gold deficiency:
Arthritis, brain dysfunction, chills, cancer, circulatory disorders, depression, digestive disorders, drug/alcohol addiction, gland dysfunction, heat flashes, insomnia, joint inflammation, night sweats, obesity, seasonal
affective disorder (SAD).
-Indium is the most powerful of all trace minerals. Element #49 on the Periodic Table, it is midpoint between alkaline and acid metals, making it the most unique of all minerals. Research indicates that Indium helps to alleviate skin outbreaks, hormonal insufficiencies, endrocrine (glandular) system imbalances, empowers the platinum group elements (platinum, gold, silver, etc.) to protect and enhance the DNA. Indium works like creatine and stimulates lean muscle mass. It has been shown in studies with mice that indium greatly increases one's life-span, and overall mineralization. The mice that were given indium were 3-5 times more mineralized, and lived three times longer than the control group both groups were fed the same diet. Indium is not found in food in the United States.
Signs of an indium deficiency: Acne and hormonal imbalances.
-Iodine is used by the thyroid to form thyroid hormone, which helps regulate the metabolism and the energy level of the body. It has the highest frequency of all of nature's essential minerals.
Signs of an iodine deficiency:
Cretinism, depression, frustration, goiter, hormonal imbalance, hyper- and hypo-thyroidism, lethargy, miscarriages, scaly or dry skin, sterility or infertility.
-Iron is needed by red blood cells to pick up oxygen in the lungs and carry it into the tissues. Iron is vital in helping the blood eliminate potentially toxic substances or larger sized iron particles in the blood and tissues. Excellent to use during menstruation or other times of heavy blood loss.
Signs of an iron deficiency:
Anemia, anorexia, brittle nails, constipation, dizziness, depression, dysphasia, fatigue/lack of stamina, fragile bones, growth retardation, hair loss, headaches, pica, unnaturally pale skin.
-Magnesium Relaxes muscles, builds bone, causes strong peristalsis, increases flexibility, increases alkalinity. Found at the center of the chlorophyll molecule, magnesium is the most deficient mineral in the cooked civilization diet. Magnesium, as a primary alkaline mineral, opens up over 300 different elimination pathways. Magnesium can be biologically transmutated into calcium.
Signs of deficiency:
Asthma, anorexia, calcification of organs, tissue, and small arteries, constipation, convulsions, cramps, depression, ECG changes, growth failure, headaches, hyperacidity, kidney stones, migraines, muscular weakness, muscle tremors, muscle tics, myocardial infarction, neuromuscular problems, osteoporosis, PMS, vertigo, wrinkles.
-Manganese is an adrenal mineral, a brain mineral, and an oxygenator like iron. It aids memory and is needed to form hormones. Manganese works with selenium to rid the body of harmful fats and cholesterol.
Signs of a manganese deficiency:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, deafness, depression, gout, hearing problems, infertility, lack of concentration, loss of libido in both sexes, memory loss/mental confusion, miscarriages or stillbirths, multiple sclerosis, nerve disorders, PMS, poor muscle coordination, stunted growth, tinnitus, stiff tendons, stuttering, tremors.
-Mineral of Life
Mineral of Life acts like an angstrom-sized sea salt, and helps the body produce enzymes. Mineral of Life is a blend of about 84 ancient sea bed minerals broken down into the angstrom size. Mineral of Life is not a blend of angstrom minerals (angstrom mineral blends should be left up to the creators of these minerals). If one haphazardly combines some of the angstrom minerals with each other in a bottle, they may come together forming bigger mineral particles and thus they become unusable - the clear minerals may go cloudy when combined. This is particularly true of silver when mixed with other angstrom minerals.
Mineral of Life is powerful and gives one a boost in the morning. To date, not much research has been done on it.
-Molybdenum helps prevent premature aging, mobilizes iron from the liver reserves as needed, and aids in detoxifying the body. Molybdenum and zinc should be taken at the opposite end of the day from copper and sulfur.
Signs of a molybdenum deficiency:
Acne, AIDS, allergies, anemia, anthrax, asthma, athlete's foot, bell's palsy, bladder infection, cancer, candidiasis, canker sores, cavities, contrail/chemtrail exposure, colds/flu, depression, diabetes, e.coli, eczema, epstein barr, gout, gulf war syndrome, hepatitis C, herpes simplex, impotency, insomnia, liver damage, lupus, lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, obesity, parasites, prostate infection, ringworm.
-Potassium is needed for the heart and the nerves, and is excellent for those with a history of a heart condition. It neutralizes muscle acids, and promotes quicker healing of cuts and wounds.
Signs of a potassium deficiency:
Bad circulation, bluish tint to skin, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, earaches, edema, headaches, heart palpitations, hypertension, insomnia, intestinal pain, muscle weakness, oppressive breathing, pain in the eyes, prolapsed uterus, swollen glands, tissue anemia, water retention.
-Platinum is obviously one of the rare and mystical platinum-group elements that protect and energize the DNA. Platinum helps alertness and should be taken opposite gold; platinum in the morning as an energizer, and gold in the evening as a relaxant.
Signs of a platinum deficiency:
Back pain, cancer, chronic fatigue, gland dysfunction, headaches, insomnia, nerve damage, neuralgia, PMS, poor concentration.
-Selenium is a powerful antioxidant. Research shows that it inhibits cancer rates by up to 42%, making it the most promising anti-cancer mineral (substance) yet discovered. Selenium protects the cell from cancer and viral damage. All food in the US has been deficient in selenium since the 1950s.
Signs of deficiency:
The entire US population is deficient in selenium. Some symptoms include age/liver spots, alzheimer's, anemia, cancer, cardiomyopathy, cirrhosis of the liver, cystic fibrosis, DNA damage, fatigue, fibromyalgia, heart disease, heart palpitations, AIDS, hot flashes, immune deficiencies, infertility, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, muscular weakness, pancreatic atrophy, parkinson's disease, premature aging, scoliosis, sickle cell anemia,
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), viral infections.
-Silver Destroys every known virus on contact. Destroys harmful fungus and bacteria
while keeping healthy tissue and good bacteria intact. Protects the nervous system from viruses and bacteria. Much has been written, discovered, and experienced about colloidal silver being the world's most powerful antibiotic. Angstrom silver is a million times smaller than colloidal silver and thus is more effective without side
effects (colloidal silver can get gummed up in the tissues and skin).
Signs of a silver deficiency:
Anthrax, athlete's foot, boils, candida, cerebro-spinal meningitis, colitis, cystitis, dermatitis, diphtheria, diplococcus, dysentry, e.coli, gonorrhea, impetigo, infection, influenza, intestinal trouble, pneumococci, ringworm, shingles, staphylococci, tuberculosis, warts, whooping cough.
-Sulfur is the number one beauty mineral. It is the number one mineral in the skin, hair, nails, liver, and pancreas. Sulfur potentiates all other minerals allowing them to be absorbed and utilized more efficiently. Sulfur creates permeability. It works synergistically with vitamin C to create the super-protein collagen. Sulfur helps alleviate wrinkles, and skin damage, including scarring. Sulfur helps repair injured joints, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue. Sulfur helps build sulfur-bearing amino acids which detoxify the liver, nourish the hair and skin, and build flexible muscle. Angstrom-sized sulfur is as or more biologically available than MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane). Sulfur is found in rainwater and in plants dependent on rainwater for survival. Many foods are grown agriculturally and in greenhouses and thus are deficient in sulfur.
Signs of deficiency:
Arthritis, asthma, acne, back pain, brittle hair, circulatory problems, connective tissue damage, constipation, dry skin, free radical damage, inflammation, infection, insulin/blood sugar challenges, leathery organs/tissue/skin, liver stagnation, liver disease, migraines, muscle pain, nerve disorders, poor skin quality, protein deficiency, scars, skin disorders, stress, urinary tract disorders, various muscle/skeletal disorders, weak nails, wrinkles.
-Vanadium works in conjunction with chromium, balances blood sugar, and mimics insulin.
Signs of a vanadium deficiency:
Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, hyperinsulinism, hypoglycemia, infertility, metabolic dysfunction, obesity, pancreatic dysfunction.
-Zinc eliminates body odor, helps protects the teeth, helps to eliminate bad breath, restores enzyme function of the immune system and skin, strongly fights viruses, protects the nervous system, and much more. Zinc is one of the most important trace minerals, perhaps second only to indium. All food in the US has been deficient in zinc since the 1950s. Zinc is antagonistic to copper and should done separately from copper (preferably on the other side of the day).
Signs of deficiency:
Angina, alzheimer's, anemia, anthrax, alcoholism, acne, anorexia &bulimia, bad breath, body odor, birth defects, cavities, chron's disease, chronic viral infections, depression, diabetes, down's syndrome, eye diseases, free radical damage, herpes, hypertension, hair loss, infertility, infection, loss of libido, loss of smell and taste, miscarriages, nerve damage, obesity, PMS, poor skin (acne), prostate cancer, still births, thyroid disorders, urinary tract infections, weak immune system.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Getting Over It
I woke up this morning very dry.... like crazy dry. I know lemons are good for hydration, so I thought maybe I could try an orange because, well, all I have is oranges :) I'm feeling a little better today, still drained, but I've been consistantly 100% raw instead of 90 - 95% for 4 days and I can feel it happening, I can feel a slight numbness in my left pinky but it's gone away now. I want to get over the worst of the detox quickly, and I'm ready... I hope it doesn't involve the panic attacks, so I've planned to use the spirulina to keep the iron and b12 in me while this happens.
My next purchase will be the Angstrom Water of Life and the Angstrom Iron on the Detox Your World site, I want to make sure I get the minerals I need to get well as symptom free as possible (here's hopin')
My next purchase will be the Angstrom Water of Life and the Angstrom Iron on the Detox Your World site, I want to make sure I get the minerals I need to get well as symptom free as possible (here's hopin')
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Still Healing...
There is still sinus pressure and stuffy nose stuff going on, but it will be over soon... I'm thinking of breaking my 'resting-fast' and getting out to take a walk... cleansing the lymphatic system by moving is one way I can feel better. I also would like to get some dandilion and/or echinacea tea to cleanse and boost my spleen. For some reason I think someone's trying to tell me something because all I can think about is my lymphatic system, so I'm taking it as divine guidance on what I need to do to heal.
I have found a few Traditional Chinese Medicine clinics in town so I want to check them out... they're usually pretty adamant about keeping the spleen healthy.
Anyway, more later, haven't eaten yet because I just woke up not too long ago ;)
I have found a few Traditional Chinese Medicine clinics in town so I want to check them out... they're usually pretty adamant about keeping the spleen healthy.
Anyway, more later, haven't eaten yet because I just woke up not too long ago ;)
Friday, December 18, 2009
Healing Crisis And I'm Stickin' it out
I apologize for not being very articulate this time, but I am not caring what I sound [or read] like (by dothe ith thtuffed up) I have been feeling soooooo drained, no matter what I do lately, yet hungry all the time no matter how healthy I eat EXCEPT today at about 6pm, I had a whole mango and I haven't been hungry for a few hours now, THANK YOU UNIVERSE! Apparently those are the nutrients I needed... It's exhausting being hungry. But anyway, I have finally caught, thanks to the healing crisis, what my son and hubby has had for weeks... so I know my immune system was working but I need to get this out... I'm gonna get over this hump, so I thank the universe for my healing. :) I AM WELL!
today I had:
Cacao, flax, maca, reishi, banana smoothie
HUGE apple
Huge bowl of greens(spinach/rocket) with rosemary and a few drops of olive oil [cuz I ran out :(]
! whole large Mango
more greens
2 liters of spring water
today I had:
Cacao, flax, maca, reishi, banana smoothie
HUGE apple
Huge bowl of greens(spinach/rocket) with rosemary and a few drops of olive oil [cuz I ran out :(]
! whole large Mango
more greens
2 liters of spring water
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Sorry 'bout my Hiatus :/
I've been a bit exhausted lately with the whole getting up before dark to get mah wee one up and ready for school and since starting he has caught a little cold, barking coughs and all... I've been reeeeally , well, just tired.... I wake up I'm tired, I lie down I'm tired, I go to work tired, just sleepy sleepy sleepy... SO, I suspected there was a digestive issue being skinny-legged yet a little fluffy in the middle, so I invested in some digestive enzymes that I saw reading through the Detox Your World website... it is a different pic but it's the same stuff.
Udo's Choice Ultimate Digestive Enzyme Blend
I gotta tell ya, they are working. Now, you are not running to the bathroom at all hours or anything or jumping off the walls, BUT you can really tell, although subtly, my energy has been coming back... I don't feel like I can't raise my arms while sitting like I was. Yay Enzymes!!
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Frequently Asked Raw Questions
Article SOURCE
The Living and Raw Foods discussed in this web site includes all plant based (vegetarian/vegan) foods.
[NOTE: Emphasis added by me, Raw Panda]
What are Living and Raw Foods?
Raw and Living Foods are foods that contain enzymes. In general, the act of heating food over 116 degrees F (usually 118°F or 47.8 °C) destroys enzymes in food. (Enzymes start to degrade in as little as 106 degrees F). All cooked food is devoid of enzymes, furthermore cooking food changes the molecular structure of the food and renders it toxic. Living and raw foods also have enormously higher nutrient values than the foods that have been cooked.
What are Enzymes?
Enzymes assist in the digestion of foods. They are known to be the "Life-Force" and or "energy" of food.
From the dictionary:
Noun: Any of the various complex organic substances, as pepsin originating from living cells and capable of producing certain chemical changes in organic substances by catalytic action, as in digestion.
Why are Enzymes Important?
Enzymes are important because they assist in the digestion and absorption of food. If you eat food that is enzyme-less, your body will not get maximum utilization of the food. This causes toxicity in the body. (Can you guess why over 75% of Americans are overweight?)
Doesn't the acidic ph of the stomach destoy enzymes?
Viktorus Kulvinskas, one of the world's foremost and most experienced active researchers into enzyme nutrition has information showing then stomach acid merely deactivates food enzymes. The enzymes are then reactivated in the more alkaline small intestine. Many people who eat all raw foods, sense a world of healthful difference in our energy, digestion and connectedness with nature by eating enzyme-rich living foods. When we stopped eating cooked protein foods which require large secretions of stomach acid (which is not healthful for several reasons) our stomach doesn't produce much stomach acid. Many people who eat raw foods eat a low protein diet and are free from the stomach acid secretions and have much more energy and a lighter disposition.
Is there a difference between living foods and raw foods?
Living and Raw foods both contain enzymes. In living foods, the enzyme
content is much higher. Raw, unsprouted nuts contain enzymes in a "dormant"
state. To activate the enzymes contained in almonds, for example, soak them
in water for as just 24 hours. Once the almonds begin to sprout, the enzymes become "active" and are then considered living. In the context of this web site,
the terms are used loosely.
Why eat only Organic Foods?
When juicing or eating foods, it is very important to choose to consume only organically grown produce. "Conventional" or "industrial" produce are grown with pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, and other chemicals that are toxic and/or harmful to your body. Organic foods are grown without the use of these harmful substances, taste better, and are more nutritious.
Do I need to eat all organic to be raw?
No, you do not NEED to eat all organic to be raw. I personally reccomend eating as much organic food as possible. It has been shown that organic produce contains less pesticide and other toxic residues. In addition, it has been shown that organic food may taste better and contain more nutrition. I believe its better to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables in most any case.
Will rinsing wash off the pesticide from industrially grown produce?
Rinsing with cool water will remove some surface pesticide residue, but not the pesticide that was absorbed into the produce as it was grown. Some of the most severely tainted types of produce are strawberries and bell peppers. Some of the least tainted: carrots and avocados.
Is this a "new" fad diet or something?
Not at all! Consider the following: during the vast majority of our existence on this planet, what choices did we have for food? What COULD we have eaten before we discovered fire, tools and implements to kill animals? The original diet for us MUST have consisted primarily of vegetables, fruits, and nuts! What other choices did we have? Clearly, a raw, plant based diet is the main food staple throughout the vast majority of the history of Humankind! Before Humans started killing and eating dead animal carcass, we ate fruits, leaves, nuts, berries, etc...
Is this just another vegetarian or vegan diet?
Yes and NO! This is the ULTIMATE vegetarian/vegan diet. It should be the goal of all vegetarians, vegans and SAD - [Standard American Diet] eaters to eat raw. The benefits are out of this world! Once you embrace an all-raw and living food diet, you are more living, have more energy, better health, think more clearly, and become more in tune with your body! This type of diet even gives you a "competitive edge" over people that eat life-less food.
What is the difference between a raw/living foods diet and a vegetarian one?
Vegetarians and vegans believe in only eating a plant based diet.
Living and Raw Foodists believe in eating only an UNCOOKED, UNHEATED, UNPROCESSED and ORGANIC plant based diet.
What is a Living Foodist or Raw Foodist?
A person who eats 75% or more living/raw food.. The more, the better. Optimally one should eat as 100% raw and living foods if it feels right for them.
Is a 100% living and raw food diet best?
That depends on the person. I believe life should not be about 100% raw food, but about 100% health. You can be "unhealthy" and eat 100% raw food, if you are not eating the correct raw foods. In addition, the stress that can be caused by "screwing up" or "falling off the wagon" can be worse than eating a high percentage raw food diet, with "better" cooked alternatives. I personally eat 99.999% raw foods.
Is there just one type of living/raw foodist?
There are many subcategories of living/raw foodists. Some include:
* Fruitarian - People who consume mostly fruits.
* Sproutarian - People who consume mostly sprouts.
* Juicearian - People who consume mostly fresh juice.
Why would someone want to eat a raw and living foods diet?
There are many reasons why people eat a raw and living foods diet.
1. Health: Persons embracing this type of diet invariably experience improvements in their general physical and mental status, including more energy, better health, more energy
2. Energy efficiency: Since you no longer have to cook, you don't waste electricity, and save the environment.
3. Since you eat organic agriculture, you help to save the planet. Most become more in-tune with their body; many report definite spiritual improvements.
4. No animal products are used, so the animals appreciate it.
What do raw/living foodists eat?
Raw and Living Foodist eat all fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds, grains, sea vegetables, and other organic/natural foods that have not been processed. In some instances, there are special ways to prepare the foods (example: most raw and living foodists soak/sprout nuts, seeds and grains before consuming them). For some delicious recipes, see our recipe section!
How can you tell if something is a raw/living food?
Most foods that have not been processed in any way, shape or form are raw and living foods (until cooked). Processed foods (canned, bottled or prepackaged) are most often adulterated, (changed from their original state) by heating, additives, preservatives, colorings, salt, and sugar. Don't think this is all for your benefit; the benefactor is the manufacturer's profit margin, NOT YOU. Try to purchase foods that are in their natural state.
What do raw and living foodists drink?
Water (purified water - never tap water), Freshly made juices (made with your own juicer - and consumed immediately), coconut milk (from a young coconut), are some of the liquids living and raw foodists drink. Most all drinks purchased at the store have been processed (Including: soda, bottled juices, coffee, alcohol, and most others) and are not included in a living / raw foodist diet.
Do raw and living foodists drink tea?
Some living and raw foodists will drink SUN TEA, which is tea brewed by the power of the Sun. Teas that contain boiling water are not considered raw. Many teas that are purchased in the store may have been processed at temperatures above 118 degrees. The best way is to grow your own herbs and dry them at a low temperature, and use them for sun teas.
Are certain raw foods better than others?
Yes. I believe one should focus on eating the majority of fresh fruits and vegetables. All other raw foods (such as nuts, seeds, etc) should be minimized. Fresher foods are always best. Ones that you grow yourself, or purchased at a farmers market, are much fresher than foods purchased in the grocery or health food store.
Where do raw and living foodist get their protein?
The WHO (World Health Organization) says humans need about 5% of their daily calories to come from protein to be healthy. The USDA puts this figure at 6.5%. On average, fruits have about 5% of their calories from protein. Vegetables have from 20-50% of their calories from protein. Sprouted seeds, beans, and grains contain from 10-25% of their calories from protein. So if you are eating any variety of living plant foods, you are getting more than adequate protein. Numerous scientific studies have shown the daily need for protein to be about 25-35 grams per day. So if you ate 2,000 calories per day, and ate raw plant foods that had an average of 10% of their calories from protein, you would get 200 calories worth of protein, or 50 grams. This is more than adequate to support optimal well-being. Other studies have shown that heat treating a protein (such as with cooking) makes about half of it unusable to the human body. So raw plant food protein is even a better source than cooked plant foods or animal foods. There is still a huge, foolish, misguided idea that plant protein is not "complete". This is based on studies done on rats in the 1940's. This false conclusion was drawn before we discovered the bodies protein recycling mechanism and its ability to "complete" any amino acid mix from our bodies amino acid pool, no matter what the amino acid composition of a meal consumed. This false idea is still perpetuated by the meat and dairy industries, in an attempt to influence people to continue consuming their truly health destroying products. (..and that IS what they are, PRODUCTS. As long as you are getting the essential amino acids in your diet daily you will be getting protein you need...)
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Wrapped up
My baby went to school and didn't want to come home, lol... I was holding back tears, of course, but kept my composure :) yay! Picked him up at Noon that day and he was wired, hehe... his teacher said that he has to learn when to play with toys and when to sit and listen... why am I not surprised, he's me XD *teehee* He looked so cute in his uniform, too. Today he threw a tantrum because he didn't want to leave and I had to help the teachers calm him, lol.... Aaaaand it's COLD!
In other news, I should've known... the scrip my doc gave me for my anemia is giving me an unusually bad headache, and the insert says '..stop taking and tell your doctor if you experience any of the following: unusually bad headaches...', so, go figure. My symptoms have become less severe each consecutive night anyway so I'm back to basics!
I had:
2 smoothies
an apple
watercress salad
2 bananas
1 mango
2 small 'wraps' made with rocket, watercress, some other green(it escapes me), sliced avocado, about 8 raisins(not too much, gives it a raspberry vinaigrette flavor), shallots and some sunflower seeds wrapped up in a 'spring green' leaf cut in half w/ a lil' sea salt... mmmmmmmmmmm....
In other news, I should've known... the scrip my doc gave me for my anemia is giving me an unusually bad headache, and the insert says '..stop taking and tell your doctor if you experience any of the following: unusually bad headaches...', so, go figure. My symptoms have become less severe each consecutive night anyway so I'm back to basics!
I had:
2 smoothies
an apple
watercress salad
2 bananas
1 mango
2 small 'wraps' made with rocket, watercress, some other green(it escapes me), sliced avocado, about 8 raisins(not too much, gives it a raspberry vinaigrette flavor), shallots and some sunflower seeds wrapped up in a 'spring green' leaf cut in half w/ a lil' sea salt... mmmmmmmmmmm....
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